
If I consider that nothing stays the same—that life either progresses or regresses, then shooting for improvement should become my watchword.

When life changes, I try to aim forward but sometimes the momentum prevents that. I must reconsider the phenomena of change as an opportunity to be progressive, not just flail about in a never ending helix.

My life digresses and just when I believe I am headed comfortably in a certain direction, surprise, surprise another cog is shoved into the works.
My youngest inventor reminds me that adding another cog usually makes the whole thing run backwards. About face, T.

If I strive to accept change and choose to move forward, no doubt I will soon find myself careening at a breakneck pace and unable to avoid the curves that come with the downward slide. This causes slips and slides, twists and twirls in unplanned directions. As I whirl past these life-altering stages, I wonder… Why me? And then I remember, Why not me!

Reality Bite: I know why the luge event is always seeking willing participants.

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