…personal paradox

In my constant quest for stability, I seek balance in many issues that catch me off guard and knock me for a loop. These issues make me go, “Huh?” with that quizzically wrinkled brow, and an incredulous look.

It’s my quest, however, to understand my fellow beings, so when I overhear or read something tweeks my interest—when my head snaps around and my eyebrows raise—I must follow up!

To me:
Go right ahead and insist that green M&M’s be served for breakfast. We’ll change the word, “groupies” to “entourage” just for you, and then we’ll venerate your underwear and sell it on ebay.
But this only happens to the “famous,” the rest of us are only indulged at this level until we reach our terrible two’s. Seeking clarification, Terina

Some of the topics that pique me are obvious distortions because from a simple glance, their left or right leanings are easy to spot, but others are perfectly straight-forward and those I review under the magnifying glass to expose the plumb that is half a bubble off.

If I write about an issue that I find totally off kilter, I can usually realign my center and find better balance.

That’s the purpose of all my writing—just trying to retain my equilibrium as a stable member of society in the fluctuating insanity of the world. I could reclude and wander the house muttering about the strangeness of everyone else, but I’m not rich enough to pull off eccentric. So instead I’ll write my opinions and evaluations and compare the mystery to the strangeness of myself. Then I’ll send my essays to everyone I know. (Just in case you too were wondering how you ended up on this list.)

Reality Bite: Just struggling to find my place and fit in.

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